1. Go to C:\xampp\phpmyadmin then open the config.inc or config.inc.php file
2. In line 20 you will see this: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
Make sure that the 'root' there is the user to access your own database server. If not, change the 'root' to your own user name.
3. In line 21 you will see this: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '';
This means that your database server doesn't have password save in it. If your database server has a password, type the password between the single quotes for example 'mysql'.
However, if there is a password stored like this: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'mysql'; then you have to change 'mysql' into the password your database server is using for example 'developer_password'
4. Clear your cookies then reload localhost
Hope this helps, I tried it and it worked.
Doesn't work....
enter the phpMyAdmin, select database, go to previleges and add your username and password
nice it works for me,thanks
Jet, thanks for telling me to clear the cookies, I tried so many times and nobody mentioned that step before. Works now! Thanks!
Thanks, its work.
I enter mypassword in line 21. SAVE
Then open phpmyadmin,go to previleges and klik no password. GO
Afterthat go back to line 21, remove password. SAVE.
Everythings back to normal.
i still have the problem... it does not work on my pc... please help me...
thanks :) :)
it does not working..... follow all the steps.. passowrd already is ='' so.. all the settings are already like the mentiod above.. plz help me out.. i have lot of work to do..
i only change the line 19 as $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'http';
set user name ='root'
and password ='123'
goto browser .. enter localhost/phpmyadmin/ .. then it requires a password give root then password 123 .. hope so it will work.. tc
nice info...!!!!
thanx for sharing.
thank a lot ...
Thank you very much I got it.
thanks it is working
This is the best site I've ever seen.
Thanks Bro It's Working
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